Welcome to our family blog to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Walker cottage and "farm". Even though we live in a rural section of the Tennessee Mountains life is far from boring as you will see.

Thursday, July 25, 2024



Easter is coming early this year.  Personally, I wish they would just put Easter on one Sun in April (like Thanksgiving and Christmas) when it's warmer and more flowers are blooming, but since I wasn't consulted about the matter, we will have to celebrate it when the powers-that-be decide. No matter when it is designated on the calendar, Easter is my favorite holiday.

He is Risen; He is Risen Indeed!!!

Meanwhile, the month of March is acting like spring with temperatures warm and sunny one day and then cold and rainy the next. The earth is coming alive once more. First tiny crocus and snowdrops appear out of the barren earth then the hardy daffodils bloom flaunting bright colors of pale to bright yellow- even in freezing temperatures and snow- lining my picket fence, driveway, and the paths in my woods. I love my two-toned daffodils and even have some miniature daffodils that are totally adorable. My cherry, button, primrose bushes, and pear trees are in full bloom all pink and white while the peach tree buds are ready to open any day. Tiny new green leaves are appearing on my rosebushes along with the tulips and iris growing taller each day. Migrating birds are showing up at my feeders to my delight. I finally saw my first robin and Eastern Bluebirds at the bluebird boxes to hopefully stay and build nests. When I checked my goldfish pond, I was excited to see froggy eggs floating in the water. Even the bees in the hive are buzzing around. I've been hanging wash out on the clothesline and opening my windows on warmer days to feel the spring air. What bliss!

I finally got my sewing room closet painted and organized.

My granddaughter, Annette, her husband, and baby Ellie came up for a couple of days. What fun getting to cuddle the little Miss that is growing like a weed.  While here, the guys cut down the huge remaining birch trees along the driveway that I had planted years ago as 2-ft twigs. Now they were over 60 ft tall and dropping large dead branches.  The electric company cut the one side of the driveway that was at the electric wire. It was quite the job landing the trees just right. Due to the rain, Curtis wasn't able to cut up as many of the trees as planned until they had to leave, but he was able to clear the one side so Dwight can get his truck through. Meanwhile, the front of my property looks like a tornado came through with large trees lying everywhere. Annette and Curtis want to come back to do more, but it will probably be later as big news: they are planning on flying over to the Philippines towards the last of April for two weeks to be with Dawn and Randy.  Randy has yet to see his granddaughter and William his niece, so it will be a special time for them getting to meet and spend time with tiny Ellie.

The Philippines are in a very dry spell right now that began in January.  Their well went dry so they are toting water and having to do the wash by hand. Everything is brown and quite dusty. The other morning when I was having my devotions, I thought about what Dawn said how they can see rain clouds coming towards them every week over the ocean, but the clouds always go around them.  It reminded me years ago when Dana came home all excited because of answered prayer. The construction crew was working on a roof that was all torn off on a hot sunny day when a sudden rainstorm appeared heading right towards them. Dana stood up and prayed, “Lord you know how in the Bible Joshua prayed and the sun stood still. I don’t need the sun to stand still, but please let the rain go around us so we can finish the roof.”  The guys laughed, shaking their heads at the “crazy preacher”. Lo and behold if the rain didn’t part and go on either side while they finished the roof in the dry. So, I told the Lord that if He could do it then, He still could do it now, and asked that He’d send some rain around the world to my daughter.  When I talked to Dawn again, it had rained all day that Sunday!

Since the last newsletter, I have been to the rheumatologist at Vanderbilt, another doctor to schedule my colonoscopy in April, and this past week I was at the imaging center to get a complete abdominal ultrasound and mammogram to rule out any cancer and pinpoint what is causing my iron level to be so high. Thankfully, my RA level is still down, and the mammogram was normal. I told Dwight by the time I get done poked and prodded and tested from head to foot, I should be good for at least another forty years or more. Such a crazy time!

Every chance I get, I have been outside transplanting small bushes and planting bulbs- you know me, putting the last of the leaves on the garden plots before planting, and clearing out some other  garden areas. I am so thankful to be feeling like myself and am trying to behave.

Our pastor retired so, now instead of playing the organ, I have to play the piano.  It’s been years since I’ve had to play the piano for church. It certainly has been keeping my brain cells busy. I did have a senior moment the other Sunday when I was playing the offertory, and my mind went totally blank as I was playing by ear. I hit a chord, it was the wrong one, still blank, so thought I’d just hit the main chord and run up for a “quick” ending. Thankfully, when I hit the main chord, it was the right one and I was able to finish the song. Such is life on the piano bench!

Have a Blessed Easter Season~


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