Welcome to our family blog to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Walker cottage and "farm". Even though we live in a rural section of the Tennessee Mountains life is far from boring as you will see.

Thursday, July 25, 2024



The hummingbirds are back, and everything is green once again here in the TN Mountains. The irises, mock orange bushes, lilacs, wisteria, and roses are blooming as the spring flowers fade away. I planted green beans in the garden and put in tomato and pepper plants while the lettuce is ready to be picked. The peas haven't done this year as well- I think due to all the rain we've gotten. I cleared out in front of the picket fence and transplanted starts of bushes that had wandered through the fence and transplanted other flowers needing thinned out.

Remember me telling you about the huge birches that got cut down along the driveway?  Well, my front yard looked like a tornado had passed by. Despite trees lying everywhere flowers still came up and bloomed between and around them. One day sitting on the porch pondering the situation, knowing that it would be a long time until I saw my lawn again (as each time Dwight cut up some branches with, he ended up down with an elbow bleed) the Lord showed me how even in the storms of life we can find blessings around us. Then lo and behold a miracle happened. One evening after giving one of my girls a piano lesson, her mother asked if her husband, who works cutting trees and has a big chain saw, could come and help cut up some wood. The next night, she, her husband, and some other family member came and began sawing logs and stacking wood. I made a huge pot of spaghetti and two apple pies that we ate after it got dark. Between Fri evening and then half a day Sat, when they came back with more of their family, all the trees were cut up and stacked neatly in my woodshed!!! Sat afternoon, I sat on my front porch in a daze looking at my lawn now totally cleared of branches and trees.

Of course, life isn't always smooth sailing. The next week, despite me checking and trying to keep an eye on the bees, didn't a bunch of them swarm on me again that I was wanting to start another hive with.  Thankfully, there still were lots of bees left. To my surprise, when I checked the hive the next week, I found a couple more queen cells, so transferred them plus some capped frames filled with bees into the other hive. I shall get a second hive going yet.

I made it through the colonoscopy, which turned out to be a nightmare as my sugar went wacky, I threw up, and ended up quite dehydrated by the time Dwight took me to Cookeville to get it done. I ended having to have a whole bag of IV fluid- which had the nurses quite concerned- before getting the procedure done. My hematologist had ordered meds to help with any bleeding. Thankfully, they didn’t have to do any cutting. When discharged and told I could wait for five years before having another colonoscopy, I informed them that it was my one and only. Hopefully, my iron is behaving and coming down where it should be. This past week, the rheumatologist called and wants me to come back in three months and have some more x-rays done on my spine and hip to determine exactly what is going on. He suggested taking shots for my joints that flare up, but I only plan on doing that as a last-ditch measure. As long as I can keep the pain down, move, I shall get by.

I was feeling quite good with myself, until watering my tomatoes one evening on the hill my feet slipped out from under me and I fell. I landed on my left hand, which I already have problems with flaring up, causing it to bleed internally. So, I was back to living with icepacks again. I ended up playing the piano with only one finger with my left hand while keeping an icepack handy for a couple of Sundays- quite the experience I assure you. Dwight was down for over a month with his elbow, so we kept trading icepacks back and forth. Such a crazy time!

Annette, Curtis, and five-month-old Ellie are over in the Philippines right now with Dawn and the family, so Randy could finally meet his granddaughter as they won’t be coming back for another year. I told Annette that she takes too much after this grandmother whizzing around the world with a baby. Thankfully, she has a lot of past strong women in her genes. It is quite the experience for them as it is quite hot and dry in the Philippines right now. I will feel relieved when they are back on American soil. They are planning on bringing Katie back with them.

Towards the end of March, I agreed to give thirteen-year-old girl piano lessons which makes four girl’s total. I’m making that my limit as it keeps my brain cells busy. I do enjoy seeing these girls learn to play songs and see the pride on their mother/grandmother’s faces. Meanwhile, I have been keeping in touch with Katie and how she is doing with the piano lessons I sent her over in the Philippines. I plan to see Katie while she is here and have her play the piano for me to see how she is progressing. We never know what life brings, but one thing for sure is that I don’t have to worry about getting bored.

Take care on your end until next time~





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