Welcome to our family blog to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Walker cottage and "farm". Even though we live in a rural section of the Tennessee Mountains life is far from boring as you will see.

Thursday, July 25, 2024




Just to let you know that I am still breathing on my end and hope you are on yours.

We are definitely having the hot and humid heat waves of summer- what I call the Philippine weather. If a week goes by without some rain (thankfully, we are still getting some rain showers) I have to water the garden tomatoes & peppers, my roses, all the transplanted flowers, and the redbud trees Dwight helped to plant along the driveway in May. The roses have been so beautiful this summer. Now the Rose of Sharon's, tall phlox, the lilies ranging from soft yellow- mixed with burgundy to dark burgundy to orange all along the outside of my picket fence, daisies, lavender, and mints are all blooming and giving color everywhere.

The raspberries have been covered in berries and have kept me busy picking them as they ripen along with the cherries, green beans and peppers. I've also been harvesting ripened tomatoes. What bliss! There is nothing like the taste of a picked warm tomato and fresh garden stuff.

With it too hot to work outside, except first thing in the early morning hours, I focused on the inside. Dwight sanded my China hutch so I could paint it a medium blue (it was stained dark cherry) to help lighten up that corner of my dining room. You know how I dearly love color. Even though the paint was an expensive brand- I can't believe the price of things now-a-days, the paint was thin like water and hard to work with even with a sponge roller as it was so runny. I complained to Dwight, who took over, telling me that I was making a horrible mess and that the paint was the way it was supposed to be. Now I've been painting walls and stuff around the house for years.  All I've got to say, is that when one coat of paint won't completely cover something and has to take two coats, it's not very good pain from my point of view. So much for modern advancement. Now that the China hutch is painted, it looks lovely.

Towards the end of May, after finishing planting all my sunflower, marigold, and pumpkin seeds, I ended up with a right-hand bleed for the first time- most likely from overworking it. Of course, my left-hand thumb joint flared up too. So, there I was trading ice packs back and forth between both hands. Dwight had to end up braiding my hair again as well. That Sun, with ice packs, I was only able to play the piano with one finger on each hand. I felt like I had regressed to the level of my young piano students.  It was quite humbling as normally I play chords and do runs.

Once my hands got back to normal, I began another inside project, this time the pantry. I moved all my canned stuff- that now is covering the back bedroom floor and half of my dining room floor. I want to get the shelves painted before the canning season hits big time. I got the ceiling painted and the wall between the shelves. Last week, I first kiltzed, and then painting all the shelves along the wall.  They are one foot apart so there isn't much space between when you paint underneath. I had to crouch, paint up-side-down, kneel, and lay on my back and side. It was slow going.  I was so happy when I finally got the first complete coat on. Now I need to caulk and give it another coat.

Wouldn't you know it, if my left hip didn't decide to act up? I've had problems with arthritis in my right hip, but my left one has always been OK. I guess all the stress put on it painting those selves caused it to bleed internally. As if to sympathized, my left hand has swollen up too, so I'm unable to use a cane to help me walk. I'm back to living with ice packs day and night, extra pain meds, and spending most of the day in the recliner. Needless to say, my painting project has come to a halt.  It's quite frustrating but I have to behave myself until my hip gets better. I wasn't able to make to church Sun.

I had also begun a couple mini-quilt projects to put on the back of my living room chairs, couch, and recliner for the summer. It is an ideal way to try out new quilt patterns.

Annette and Curtis, with little Ellie, had a safe trip back home from the Philippines.  They were quite happy to get back to air conditioning. It was a special time with Annette getting to spend her first Mother’s Day with Dawn. They also brought Katie along back with them for her to go to a youth camp. Katie was here for about a month. Dawn flew over for a week to fly back with Katie. They all came up for a visit before Dawn and Katie had to leave. It was so nice to have them all here again.  Dawn and Katie had a safe flight back. Thank the Lord; they have been getting rain again in the Philippines, so their well is slowly filling back up where they don’t have to carry as much water each day.  They had a very dry six months.

Dwight got slowed down on his pocketknife making when he got an elbow bleed. It is finally about back to normal after a month. It takes time and patience for a bleed to stop and the joint to heal, and then not to overdo it and get it bleeding again.  Dwight has never advertised his pocketknives- it’s all by word of mouth and from his FB page. He has orders for over three years and with some waiting to get on his waiting list. At first it was stressing Dwight out trying to push himself into going faster as everything is handmade. He now does it as he can.  All his pocketknives are a work of art. I am quite proud of my artsy talented boy.

I need to hush up and get this out in the mail. Already the 4th of July is over.  For all that is wrong with our country, I’m still very thankful to live in a free land.

Until next time~


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