Welcome to our family blog to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Walker cottage and "farm". Even though we live in a rural section of the Tennessee Mountains life is far from boring as you will see.

Monday, November 25, 2019

NOVEMBER Walker Newsletter


After a brief blaze of color- that lasted all too short for me- most of the leaves have fallen from the tress as the earth readies itself for winter. Frosty mornings, cold sharp winds, shorter days, and the migration of birds going south signal that snow is coming and we had our first snow last week. This time of year the frenzy of the holidays hits you in every store you enter.  Thanksgiving too often is forgotten between Halloween and Christmas.

As the squirrels raced around topping off their hoard of nuts, I've been scurrying to finish up outdoor chores before bad weather sets in. One morning I moved half full wheel barrow loads (all I can handle anymore) of dirt leveling out the dirt floor shed to build up the back step of the duck house to make it easier getting in and out. I mucked out the duck and hen houses, laid down new straw & leaves, and put out the heated water bowls for the animals during the last freeze. One week I white washed the inside of the hen house and this week I finally finished trimming the long hedge in front of the fence and woods to keep it from growing back into trees.

Before Dawn and her family came one weekend, I spent a couple days sorting and organizing the workshop that has been a mess for years in order to get some heavy stuff moved. I don't think Dana even knew half of what was out there as stuff just got laid around and piled up. Now that Dana can no longer go out there and do anything I plan this winter to get that place in shape. It drives me crazy when you have to hunt around for something. I used to tell Dana that if I kept my house like he did his workshop we wouldn't have a place to eat or sleep. So when Dawn and Randy came, the guys took away a huge load of large pieces of junk I had gathered up- joys! While Randy and Dwight worked on replacing the outdoor French doors at the study, I stayed busy with my grand-kids in the workshop as we put doors, paneling etc. up in the rafters and moved large pieces of stuff along the walls opening up the middle. Amazing to see all the open space once more.

While Dawn and Randy were here, Dana fell down two steps scaring everyone while trying to keep an eye on the fellows working on the door- thankfully no bones were broken. He is weaker and more unsteady on his feet so we have physical therapy coming back again.

On a sad note, Lucy Lou, a rescued mixed poodle/schnauzer that we had for twelve years was put to sleep. It was a hard decision, but she was nearly blind, deaf, and it was getting harder for her to get around. Ever since adopting Lucy Lou, she was my shadow everywhere I went. I woke up and went to bed with Lucy Lou by my side.  She was a faithful companion when I was struggling to get back on my feet after my Lyme disease had come out of remission and I became bed-fast, and then on a walker. Then when Dana had his open heart surgery and stroke, even though Lucy Lou had never been trained, she would alert me every time Dana had a seizure and would stay by his side and keep him calm when he’d fall and I’d have to call for an ambulance. She was part of the family. I held Lucy Lou in my arms as she took her last breath and her valiant heart quit beating. We buried her in the garden by the stream in front of the woods where she loved to run and play underneath a birdbath to mark her grave. This spring a ring of daffodils will bloom above her. Saying good-bye to a beloved pet is always an adjustment, but the many memories I have of my furry angel comforts me.  Meanwhile the rest of the animals and pets bring me joy each day. 

Before putting up holiday decorations, I’m also trying to get some much needed cleaning and sorting done inside. As winter arrives it is the perfect time to focus on getting my house back in shape that too often is put off when working outdoors. So I don’t have to worry about getting bored anytime soon.

I trust you will have a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving season on your end. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year to remind us of our many blessings that one often takes for granted. You are one of my many blessings that I thank God for.

From my house to yours~

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