Welcome to our family blog to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Walker cottage and "farm". Even though we live in a rural section of the Tennessee Mountains life is far from boring as you will see.

Monday, July 17, 2017



Summer has arrived with continuing rainy and hot jungle weather.  I've had to work between the rains to get my garden planted this year.  I still need to put out the tomatoes I started indoors- hopefully this week.  The rain had caused all the seeds to sprout in record time and flourish.

On the farm end the biggest news this past month was chasing a black bear through my woods with a mop when I caught it heading for the shed after it had broken in and ate some corn a couple of days before. It was an adult bear and way bigger than me, but I got so mad when I saw it on my property- when Tex alerted me by barking and growling fiercely. I grabbed the first thing handy- I had been getting cobwebs down with an old mop inside- and took after it. My electric fence had gone down due to some severe storms so after chasing the bear over the fence and back into the woods where it belonged, I spent the rest of the afternoon getting my electric fence going.  The next day I found and killed a five foot chicken snake that had gotten into one of the nests. To top it off two of my laying hens drowned on me after a couple of hard rains.  Talk about bird brains!   I also got some more bees so I need to run electric along the back fence of my property at my house. I love hearing the buzzing bees and working alongside of them in the flowers. So there has been plenty of excitement lately out my way.

Dana continues to be weak and unsteady. The physical therapist is coming twice a week to work with him.  We took Dana to his primary physician locally today. His sugar stays quite high most of the time so I won't be surprised if the doctor doesn't up his insulin again.  Dana is more forgetful as well so I have to keep a close eye on him.
Dawn is doing so much better with the shots and more like herself. She has a busy summer again with VBS’s.  She will have one up in Indiana, one out in Iowa, and two here in Tennessee. Annette helps her with the songs just like Dawn used to do for me years ago.  Annette is the fourth generation in my family to do children’s work. She just turned fifteen and is ready to get her driver’s permit.  How that brings back memories of when Dawn was that age. Years ago, before Annette was in school, she took some violin lessons, but then quit. Lately she started playing the violin again by ear.  William, who turned eleven, is quite musical.  He loves playing the piano by ear picking out songs; he picked up playing the guitar, and now the banjo. They all play in church and sing. Katie Dawn, who turned five and was quite shy like her mother at that age, now sings with the family too. William is also the farm hand feeding the chickens, turkeys, and gathering the eggs.

Eight year old Case- Dwight’s son- stayed with us for an extended weekend.  The house was filled with his boundless energy that kept us going. He helped me keep an eye on Grandpa as I tried to steer some of his enthusiasm in helping me in the kitchen and washing dishes. He already has a hollow leg that kept me busy keeping him filled up.  All our grandchildren are unique and special in their own way. We love having them come to visit, but tend to stagger to the recliner to put our feet up once they leave in order to catch our breath.

God has been good to us!
Dorcas & family


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