Welcome to our family blog to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Walker cottage and "farm". Even though we live in a rural section of the Tennessee Mountains life is far from boring as you will see.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas on the Mountain

Dana enjoyed going out every day to check on his chickens, feed them, and gather the eggs. Lo and behold, if one rainy cold night he didn't get the hen door completely shut. The next morning I saw the door wide open and ran outside, but it was too late. My dogs had killed all the hens except for our big rooster! I couldn't believe that none of the hens had gone into the pen where they would have been safe instead of walking out the open door. Talk about a bunch of bird brains! We miss our dear hens and the fat brown eggs they gave us. We already had a double yoked egg. They were such good layers. So this spring we shall have to start all over again. Meanwhile we are going to make our henhouse door a bit more secure.

This year for something different I made a candle light Christmas dinner (or rather supper) as Dawn and her family made a quick trip home the day before Christmas Eve so that we could have our Christmas together.

I used my Christmas village for the centerpiece adding greenery and white lights with a couple of white candles. The food I lined up on my counter in the kitchen doing a self-serve buffet.

It turned out simply beautiful! Annette and William enjoyed the wonder of eating in candle light that gave off a festive air around the table setting the mood perfectly for giving gifts afterwards.

To us a perfect Christmas is sharing family holiday times together!

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