The hot and humid days of summer have arrived with a
vengeance with heat indexes reading to over 100 degrees at times making me very
grateful for air conditioning.
Thankfully we have gotten some showers to help keep everything green so
far. All outdoor work has to be done in the morning as I can't tolerate the
heat like I used to. I also have to keep
a close eye on the water for the animals. The ducks get quite excited when it
rains or when I fill up their small pool. Otherwise each day they are roaming the
woods hunting insects. In the hen house the chickens keep producing large- some
extra large eggs that can't fit into an egg carton- brown eggs each day that I
love cooking and baking with.
I've been picking green beans and ripe tomatoes from
the garden each week. The peas have all dried up so I am collecting seed. I've
also gathered wild blackberries and made 18 pints of jam, been drying apples
and peaches, made 20 pints of cooked and 10 1/2 pints of freezer peach jam as
well along with canning beets. My
raspberries dried up quicker this year so I didn't get as many. So far I've
canned 14 quarts of green beans. Soon I will be doing up tomatoes. I love
seeing my empty pantry shelves begin to fill back up again.
To catch back up from last month when Dana was in
the hospital, he ended up having a major seizure episode, went unconscious so
they gave him the Keppra through an IV, and rushed him to the ICU. Thankfully
after a couple of hours, Dana was stable again. So now it is on record that he
has to have the seizure med. Since coming back home, Dana's oxygen is doing
better as he is able to get around more due to having physical therapy each day
while in the hospital. As he fell in the hospital, we were also able to get PT
started right away again here at home, which is a blessing. The miracle is that
Dana didn't break his jaw or any bones when he fell and had his seizure episode
pulling his roll aider on top of him- he did bust three teeth that we have an
appointment to get fixed. Dana has had
cataract surgery on his right eye that is healing well and will get his left
eye done next month.
Dawn and her children came one morning to visit us
when she had a VBS at Monterey- about 45 minutes from our house. Dawn is busy
once again doing VBS between camps up in IN. I am so grateful that the shots
she is taking each month are working and keeping her up on her feet as there is
always something going on at her house. She is her mother's daughter.
Dwight putters around in his shop making
one-of-a-kind knives (that always has me worried he is going to cut himself
doing) and working on vehicles each day that he is able. He is also quite the
handy man around the house putting in new faucets etc and keeping my vehicle
running. Dwight along with our pastor, another man in the church, and a
neighbor has helped us get wood in as well for the upcoming winter. We are
truly blessed!
Take care and stay cool!