Welcome to our family blog to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Walker cottage and "farm". Even though we live in a rural section of the Tennessee Mountains life is far from boring as you will see.

Friday, December 13, 2019

DECEMBER Walker Newsletter

Here we are already in the middle of December getting closer each day to Christmas week where we celebrate a very special birth. In the midst of all the frenzy around you I wish you joy and peace this Christmas season.  Soon we will be closing out another year and entering a brand new one. The same God that saw us through this past year will walk beside us in the next one. 

The week before Thanksgiving I went on a blitz-style cleaning mode in my house with some small touch-up painting projects. Dawn & her family were here with us for Thanksgiving Day along with my birthday. This year I kidded my family (especially my son-in-law) that they had no choice but to be thankful for me. I didn’t realize how hard I had pushed myself until my right shoulder started acting up. I figured I had pulled a muscle, but by the time Dawn left the next day my entire arm was swelling & hurting and my right hand had gone numb. Needless to say I have slowed way down. I guess I shall have to start acting my age and spread out huge projects more. So now I am running way behind- usually by this time all the Christmas presents are bought and the decorations up. Instead I am going slow like an old granny, but at least I am up on my feet and now able to keep the pain under control. Dwight has been such a blessing driving me to town, cooking, sweeping, and helping me with the wash. Nothing like feeling one’s age- ha!

The past year for Dana has been hospital episodes, lots of doctor appointments, some falls- but thankfully no broken bones. We have physical therapy as much as possible as he is often unsteady on his feet.  It is sad to see his dementia slowly but surely increasing. At times Dana doesn’t act like himself and he has more trouble remembering his grandchildren’s names.  The best the doctors can do is try and slow it down and keep Dana on his feet.

Dwight has been doing better physically and able to putter around in his shop most weeks. Once a month he will go out to the body shop and spend a day with the guys. Johnny had Dwight come out a couple weeks this fall to design and paint stripes on a semi cab. Not having to do body work every day is so much better for Dwight and of course I’m always making sure he is eating right. It has given Dwight more time to work on his custom-made knives (a hobby I would have never picked for him myself as I’m always afraid he will cut himself) and other wood projects.

Dawn stays busy all the time homeschooling the kids and hosting a steady stream of people that come by.  I keep telling her to slow down- the same thing my mother used to tell me. The monthly shots are keeping her on her feet. I am so thankful she isn’t having major breathing problems like she had in the past. Randy has announced his call to preach. He has filled in several times in the past at their church and has already completed all the conference preacher study courses. The grand-kids keep growing like weeds. Both of my grandsons are taller than me already. Annette is graduating high school this May and William is a freshman in high school.

May you have a joyous Christmas season and a Happy New Year!
Dorcas and Family

Monday, November 25, 2019

NOVEMBER Walker Newsletter


After a brief blaze of color- that lasted all too short for me- most of the leaves have fallen from the tress as the earth readies itself for winter. Frosty mornings, cold sharp winds, shorter days, and the migration of birds going south signal that snow is coming and we had our first snow last week. This time of year the frenzy of the holidays hits you in every store you enter.  Thanksgiving too often is forgotten between Halloween and Christmas.

As the squirrels raced around topping off their hoard of nuts, I've been scurrying to finish up outdoor chores before bad weather sets in. One morning I moved half full wheel barrow loads (all I can handle anymore) of dirt leveling out the dirt floor shed to build up the back step of the duck house to make it easier getting in and out. I mucked out the duck and hen houses, laid down new straw & leaves, and put out the heated water bowls for the animals during the last freeze. One week I white washed the inside of the hen house and this week I finally finished trimming the long hedge in front of the fence and woods to keep it from growing back into trees.

Before Dawn and her family came one weekend, I spent a couple days sorting and organizing the workshop that has been a mess for years in order to get some heavy stuff moved. I don't think Dana even knew half of what was out there as stuff just got laid around and piled up. Now that Dana can no longer go out there and do anything I plan this winter to get that place in shape. It drives me crazy when you have to hunt around for something. I used to tell Dana that if I kept my house like he did his workshop we wouldn't have a place to eat or sleep. So when Dawn and Randy came, the guys took away a huge load of large pieces of junk I had gathered up- joys! While Randy and Dwight worked on replacing the outdoor French doors at the study, I stayed busy with my grand-kids in the workshop as we put doors, paneling etc. up in the rafters and moved large pieces of stuff along the walls opening up the middle. Amazing to see all the open space once more.

While Dawn and Randy were here, Dana fell down two steps scaring everyone while trying to keep an eye on the fellows working on the door- thankfully no bones were broken. He is weaker and more unsteady on his feet so we have physical therapy coming back again.

On a sad note, Lucy Lou, a rescued mixed poodle/schnauzer that we had for twelve years was put to sleep. It was a hard decision, but she was nearly blind, deaf, and it was getting harder for her to get around. Ever since adopting Lucy Lou, she was my shadow everywhere I went. I woke up and went to bed with Lucy Lou by my side.  She was a faithful companion when I was struggling to get back on my feet after my Lyme disease had come out of remission and I became bed-fast, and then on a walker. Then when Dana had his open heart surgery and stroke, even though Lucy Lou had never been trained, she would alert me every time Dana had a seizure and would stay by his side and keep him calm when he’d fall and I’d have to call for an ambulance. She was part of the family. I held Lucy Lou in my arms as she took her last breath and her valiant heart quit beating. We buried her in the garden by the stream in front of the woods where she loved to run and play underneath a birdbath to mark her grave. This spring a ring of daffodils will bloom above her. Saying good-bye to a beloved pet is always an adjustment, but the many memories I have of my furry angel comforts me.  Meanwhile the rest of the animals and pets bring me joy each day. 

Before putting up holiday decorations, I’m also trying to get some much needed cleaning and sorting done inside. As winter arrives it is the perfect time to focus on getting my house back in shape that too often is put off when working outdoors. So I don’t have to worry about getting bored anytime soon.

I trust you will have a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving season on your end. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year to remind us of our many blessings that one often takes for granted. You are one of my many blessings that I thank God for.

From my house to yours~

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

OCTOBER Walker Newsletter


The hot 90 degree weather overnight turned downright chilly and we had our first frost this past week. Once again the familiar smell of wood burning smoke wafting upwards outside signals that autumn has truly arrived. Even though we finally got some much need rain, there isn't much color showing yet on the trees. Mostly dried leaves drift downwards so far to begin carpeting the earth. I brought in all my hanging baskets, flowering plants that I will keep indoors over winter, and yard ornaments/signs leaving everything looking quite bare. So I love getting down my fall decorations and putting them up to give color.

I've been busy gathering all the branches that have fallen in the yard, transplanting, planting spring bulbs, and (you know me) as though I don't have enough to keep me busy already, I started four small wooded beds between trees where Dwight can't get with the riding lawn mower in the front and back- spots that were begging for attention. I finally finished weeding my enclosed garden, harvested lemon mint to mix with my peppermint for tea this winter perfect for colds and sore throats. I've also been going last minute crazy with a paint brush and spray cans outside sprucing up the standing bird feeder in the front yard, my clothesline poles, swings in the back yard, and seats down in the woods. It's so much better to keep things maintained that to try and resurrect them later.  I even got a brainstorm and have painted my front door a lovely gold color.

I ran away with Marty (my preacher's wife) one day while Dwight stayed with Dana. We hadn't gotten together for a couple of years and it was a much needed break. We had such a lovely day together as it doesn't take much to make us happy: moseying down back roads, wandering through the garden center at Lowes and finding some marked-down bargains, browsing through a new Hobby Lobby, and eating lunch at a small park.

The latest pickle I found myself in was over the Durango. I still have to undo and put on the battery cable each time I drive it. I have become quite adept at it so the crazy vehicle decided to act up. Instead of starting up in town like it should about every stop I was having to get under the hood jiggle the thing-a-ma-jiggy and /or take it off to get the Durango to start. One late afternoon when  I stopped on my way back home to pick up bread and milk it wouldn’t start. To add to everything I had accidentally hit the emergency button on the keypad, which personally to me is a nuisance, so the crazy vehicle was honking the horn and flashing its lights. I was relieved when I jumped in and turned the key, I heard a click instead of the engine starting, and it stopped. Figuring that solved that problem, I opened up the hood and began to fiddle with the battery cable. I went back to the driver’s seat and as soon as I turned the key if the Durango didn’t go mad again honking and flashing its light, thankfully there was another click, and silence. I jumped out and went to poke under the hood again. Instead of starting like a normal sane vehicle would and should there was a repeat of horn, lights, and a click. After the fourth time I was feeling rather desperate. By now a small crowd had gathered watching the show as I raced back and forth wishing I could crawl under my vehicle. Normally I go to town only in the mornings, but this day I found myself right when everyone was getting off work so the parking lot was full. Thankfully a “woman” -not any of the men standing around- had pity on me and came over to help. She held the cable, the engine started, lo and behold blessed silence, and I drove away after thanking her profusely. When I got home and explained the problem to Dwight, he told me what was causing it to do that. At the rate I am going I will soon be able to get a mechanic’s degree.

Growing up Halloween was a safe holiday where children dressed in costumes, went trick and treating with orange pumpkins and black cats decorations- not all the scary stuff that goes on today. Well I have the cats or rather kittens, which have now turned seven months old. Zack and Jack have definitely brought life to the household. Mornings find black streaks racing through the house and tussling with each other full of energy, which I would love to harness for myself. They have total faith in their furry bodies and it is quite amusing to see them leap for something only to fall splat on the floor, shake their heads, and with a perplexed look on their pointy faces get up, and try it again. Whether I am sitting down breaking beans to can, peeling apples to dry, doing wash, or combing my hair, I have two curious little creatures hanging over my shoulder or sitting on the counter with bright eyes watching me. The simplest things will keep them occupied. Even though they have cat toys to play with- left over from previous cats, boxes, plastic bags, a dropped bean, apple peel, pen, or leaf is much more exciting. Even more thrilling is a spider or bug. They already caught their first mouse that dared to enter the house when the cold spell hit. Best of all when I sit down at night to relax; I have two furry bodies that curl up and snooze on my lap. I wake up in the morning to Zack and Jack wrestling on top of me or a paw patting my face. Wherever I go in the house two furry critters shadow me. Depending on what mischief they have gotten into I call them: thing one and thing two, you little imps, or ye bad beasties. They have learned quickly that when I start swinging a rolled up newspaper around they are in trouble and it is amazing how fast they will disappear. Cats are quite independent creatures and yet so loving to one they trust. In my opinion every household needs a cat.

I shall hush for now. Have a wonderful autumn on your end~


Monday, September 23, 2019

SEPTEMBER Walker Newsletter


September is another hot dry month of the year when the ground is hard like concrete, the water barrels are running low, and leaves begin to fall. It also brings some windy days super for drying wash on the line with the relief of cooler nights to announce autumn has arrived.  I am able to open my windows at night to let the cool breezes blow through the house. What bliss!

I finally gave a haircut to the bushes in the front yard now looking nice and trimmed and tackled my enclosed garden too. I started a mulch pile near my burning spot, put loose bark in buckets, and stacked wood lying around, which keeps the place looking so much neater. Our wood shed is nearly full for the coming winter.  Too bad we can't somehow harness and store some of this heat for winter.  Days when you break a sweat just walking outside it is hard to believe that in a short while one will need a sweater or jacket for outdoor work.

Most of the veggie garden is gone as I've not been able to keep watering the tomatoes like I wanted too so each lone fresh tomato I pick I savor. I made another batch of tomato juice and did up some more tomatoes. This week I canned a bushel of green beans to finish filling up my pantry shelves.

After sharing some joyful moments last month I though it only fair to tell about a non-joyful experience recently so you can rest assured that I understand life isn't always full of joy and bliss. I took Dana about an hour away over to the next county to the dentist where they charge you by income- where I go myself as it is more affordable. When we got there I realized I had done the unthinkable- I forgot to bring the paper for proof of income! I've always been organized living by a to-do list. Since care giving Dana my lists have multiplied: his two-pages of typed medicines are kept on my computer which I regularly update and print out, I have a clothespin of clipped doctor appointments in my kitchen that is checked weekly, I do up a weekly schedule that is broken down into daily lists, and I have a large calendar by my computer filled each month with sticky notes of things to remember along with a grocery list beside the frig. Besides all that I have files for: bills, Dana's stuff, my stuff, banking, pets, household things, etc not to mention my writing stuff of multiple files. One might even say I am a compulsive list maker, but it is the only way I can keep everything together. If I lose my lists I am toast. In fact I remember the summer when Dawn was getting married.  I was carrying around not one but three lists. Lo and behold out shopping together one day I lost a list. I went into a panic mode. Dawn thought I had completely lost my mind when I went back to each store until I found my list. Guess what? Now as a mother she makes lists to keep track of everything too.

Back to the dentist. When I realized I had forgotten, I didn’t panic. My financial info was in the system so surely they could use it for Dana as it is the same. Since it had been over a couple of months since I had registered the girl told me they had to have something more recent. I still didn’t panic. After all this is the age of technology right? I called my bank and explained what I needed. The bank clerk assured me they would fax the needed info. I settled down beside Dana with my embroidery. When I checked the time over an hour had passed so I went back up to the window only to be told that nothing had come in. I called the bank back and was informed that for some unknown reason their fax machine was acting up that day. So the bank clerk and I agreed on her emailing the info to the dentist office. Simple right? I settled down in my chair and went back to working on my embroidery expecting to be called up to the window any minute. When I checked my watch again over thirty minutes had passed. I went back to the window- by now the girl and I were like best friends. Still nothing had come in. The girl called their tech guy, who said that of all things sometimes their email wouldn’t allow a strange email in, which sounded crazy to me, but he would check into it. We gave him the info he needed and went back to wait. Thirty minutes later still nothing. The girl at the desk apologized because instead of the regular guy she knew this was someone strange and new, who probably didn’t know what he was doing. After waiting all afternoon, we ended up having to get another appointment. Can you imagine???  I was feeling far from joyful as we headed back home. The only positive thing at that point was the sun shining so I didn’t have to drive in rainy conditions through the Big South Fork around hairpin curves down into a huge gully and up the other side, although if it had been pouring rain it would have matched my spirits more perfectly. We took Dana back- I remembered- and he saw the dentist. If I was compulsive with lists before, you should see me now.

I also took Dana to the lung specialist. His breathing test didn’t turn out as good as expected. Instead of taking the first pulse ox reading, Dana would often check other fingers or write down a higher number. The doctor gave him a talking to, so now Dana is back on oxygen most of the time again. With his dementia he is like a kid at times.

Then I battled a UTI and had to go on an antibiotic, which reacted on me so was slowed down for about a week. Sometimes life isn’t joyful. One must keep persevering day by day.

Our church family though surprised us with food and money this month to help tide us over.  It was definitely a joyful time. We are blessed to have a caring home church and pastor.

Meanwhile may you find joyful moments in your life as well~
