A week and a half before Christmas I fell and pushed my left elbow out of joint ending up with a cast on my arm. Dawn came up and spent the week before Christmas helping me get combed and dressed, doing housework, and wrapping my Christmas presents. Despite what a first seemed like a huge disaster, it all worked out into a blessing as we got to be with our grandkids a whole week instead of a couple of days like planned. Here are some pictures of our Christmas.

Case helping Grandpa open a Christmas present.

Case helping me open one of my gifts.
The fellows (Dwight & Randy) show off one of their gifts.

Dana helping Case with one of his gifts.
The big smile says it all. William was so excited to get a real tool set like his dad's.

Matching hats and scaves that I crocheted for Annette and her doll.

Best buddies- William and Case with the hats and scarf that I crocheted for them.