Welcome to our family blog to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Walker cottage and "farm". Even though we live in a rural section of the Tennessee Mountains life is far from boring as you will see.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Autumn Frenzy

Last week I heard a flock of geese honking and flying high overhead heading south signaling that autumn has truly arrived up here in the mountains of Tennessee.
It has been so dry that instead of a colorful fall most of the leaves were faded quickly falling down to the ground.

As the colder temperatures moved in and brisk breezes blew our dogs became frisky and acted like pups again: rolling, kicking up their heels in the leaves, and chasing each other madly around in circles.

Shep especially likes to keep close guard at the chicken pen where to his immense frustration Solomon, our large rooster, stands his ground only inches away from Shep's nose while Natasha watches and waits to see if one of the hens will come close enough to the fence to chase.

Even Lucy Lou pokes her nose through the wires wishing that she could be inside chasing hens.

And Sarah Annabelle, although residing inside, feels the difference in the air.

Without warning she will jump down from her perch, wherever she happens to be at the time, and will race through the house as if to stir things up a bit.

Inside and out lots of autumn frenzy is happening here on the Walker farm.